Luca Palonca

Backend Tech Lead - Barti

About Barti

Barti is a pioneering cloud-based platform dedicated to enhancing the efficiency and experience of optometry practices. By integrating a suite of functionalities into a single platform, Barti significantly reduces administrative burdens and optimizes patient interaction time for healthcare providers.

Key Features:

Barti stands out in the healthcare technology market by offering solutions that are both innovative and tailored to the specific needs of eye care professionals, thereby modernizing electronic health records (EHR).

My Role at Barti

As the Backend Tech Lead at Barti, I have taken on significant responsibilities in steering the backend development of our platform. My role encompasses not only the technical oversight of our backend systems but also mentoring a team of developers and collaborating closely with other department leads to ensure our technology aligns perfectly with business goals.

Tech Stack

I utilize a diverse array of technologies to meet our objectives, including:

This tech stack supports the robust, scalable, and efficient infrastructure that Barti relies on to serve numerous practices nationwide.

Upcoming Achievements

I am currently involved in several initiatives aimed at further enhancing our platform’s performance and user experience. Details of these achievements will be updated soon to reflect the ongoing impacts of our work at Barti.